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Browse your favorite anime or TV show websites using Watch Anime and TV Shows without annoying pop-up ads interrupting your viewing pleasure.
- Blocks pop-up ads
- Blocks launching of ads that open tabs
- Blocks video ads that appear before the video plays
- Blocks App Store redirections
- Blocks website ads
- Blocks ad links that take you to an ad webpage
- Over 70,000 ad blocking rules
- Works with iOS 8
- Works with older devices: iPhone 5 and earlier, iPad 4 and earlier, iPad mini and earlier, iPod touch 5th generation and earlier
- More extensive rules than iOS 9 Safari Content Blocker extensions
- Customizable bookmarks
- Search bar
Browse and watch anime and TV series videos without annoying webpage ads.
Many anime and TV series websites have lots of annoying ads that make watching anime on iPhones or iPads almost impossible. They often have video ads that block until you watch the ad. Also many pop-up ads launch a new tab every time you tap on an anime to watch.
Watch Anime and TV Shows with Ad Blocking blocks all these annoying ads, letting you watch your favorite anime without interference.
Watch Anime and TV Shows with Ad Blocking also blocks ads on other websites, not just anime and TV show websites.
So, use Watch Anime and TV Shows with Ad Blocking for your web surfing.
Note: This is a free app that does display unobtrusive in-app banner ads. You can upgrade using the in-app purchase to remove the unobtrusive in-app banner ads. Or you can purchase the full paid version without any in-app ads.
Disclaimer: Recession Apps LLC is not associated with any of the websites that appear in the screen shots or in the app description.